Abstract and Informational Page
Eakin Community Room
This content was recorded by Columbus City Schools for some specific district purposes. Project staff edited the raw footage to create this video that would have been used during the Somali’s Mother’s Meeting on March 14, 2020. Research has shown the importance of reading to children and this video shows specifics ways for older siblings to assist in building reading fluency and comprehension with younger siblings, while modeling for parents. The two sisters in the video are from Eakin Elementary School.
Organizing Time and Space for Learning
Moving to virtual learning was as significant challenge for EL families during the pandemic. This short video was created to explain the importance of time and space for learning to occur and how to create such space for learners. This resource will also be of value for whatever the future holds for K12 education. Space and time for learning at home is critical.
Visit Library Website Presentation
Utilizing the local libraries was a challenge for EL families during the pandemic. This short video was created to explain how to access free library resources. Columbus City Schools created email account for all students which could then be utilized to gain access to local library resources.